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Tai Vautier Jewelry for sale.
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Oregon Holley Blue Ring

sold out

Oregon Holley Blue Ring


This ring is very unique and comfortable! It has a beautiful Oregon Holley Blue Agate with a small pink tourmaline below. This quality of Holley Blue is rare to find and is one of our local Oregonian stones that jewelers and gem cutters prize due to its beautiful natural lavender color. The ring band tapers in the back for a very comfortable fit. There are dozens of rubies sunk into the texture. a very lively and uplifting ring that is sure to bring the wearer lots of joy! Size 8, but can be sized up or down to any size for free. All the stones are natural and not treated or dyed. Made frm three different alloys of sterling silver, 22kt and 18kt gold~

This ring design is protected by U.S. copyright law, Tai Vautier Jewelry 2019

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