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You can find Tai Vautier Jewelry at these following Pacific Northwest art shows:
For more info on these venues, photos and news please visit TaiVautierJewelry on INSTAGRAM


Tai Vautier Jewelry will be participating in these 2025 events

Best of the Northwest
Seattle, WA
April 12th-13th

Gathering of the Guilds
Portland, OR
April 25th-27st

Pasadena, CA
Pasadena Convention Center
May 3rd - 4th

Ojai Art Fest
Ojai, CA
May 24-25

Oregon Country Fair
Eugene, OR
July 12th-14th

Gig Harbor Summer ART FEST
Gig Harbor, WA
July 19th-20th

Bellevue Downtown Arts Market
Bellevue, WA
July 25th-27th

Anacortes Art fest
Anacortes, WA
August 1st-3rd

Open Studio (my studio)
October clearance sale!
Portland, OR

more shows coming soon……