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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Tai Vautier Jewelry is 100% handcrafted using old world techniques. These techniques are what give Tai Vautier Jewelry its very distinct textures and ancient look. Tai's jewelry includes intentionally rough surfaces and asymmetrical angles. Hours of work go into each piece. Due to the time consuming nature of our handmade jewelry, Tai Vautier Jewelry does not issue refunds, but exchanges and credits are offered. If something doesn”t fit right Tai Vautier Jewelry will kindly and generously work with you around any repairs you need, sizing issues you may have or adjustments needed to make you happy with your purchase. If an item should break repairs are free. Tai Vautier Jewelry puts a lot of effort into making sure every customer is happy with each and every piece of jewelry purchased. If the item is a gift and is not the right thing we will accept exchanges and credits towards other pieces or custom work.

Sizing needs: in the event that a ring you purchased no longer fits properly your purchase includes one free sizing. After this initial sizing all other sizings will be $50.

Custom work: in general custom work is twice as laborious as jewelry that is ready made. This is because there is usually a consultation, a design session, photos that are exchanged, and a final fitting and in some cases a refitting. All of this equals a lot of time for both parties. Please expect customs orders to take about 6-8 weeks to be ready and cost roughly 40% more than ready made jewelry. If you are simply ordering a standard ready made design but with a different stone or just in a different size, then in general this is the same cost as a regular priced piece.

Gallery Orders: Due to the high demand for Tai Vautier Jewelry we are unable to do consignment. If you are a gallery and you wish to carry Tai Vautier Jewelry we are excited to work with you. We require a $5000 minimum purchase. If at any point you would like to purchase specific pieces to renew your inventory you may place smaller wholesale orders after your initial wholesale order. We do not accept net 30 or 60 payments. Full payment is due upon shipping of your order. If certain pieces are not selling well we may be open to trading them out with other items as long as the items were not purchased more than 12 months prior.